
Start Planning Your Summer Outdoor Adventures Now and Improve Your Lifestyle with Wheeleez Mobility!

SPONSORED CONTENT: This article was written by or on behalf of one of our sponsors, who paid a fee for their post to appear on the United Spinal website. The sponsor did so because they believe their product is something our members would be interested in, and benefit from.

Going to the beach is something many people take for granted. But for wheelchair users, going to the beach is really complicated, because wheelchairs and sand just don’t go well together! There’s a solution for that though!

Do you have an old manual wheelchair in the garage, which is gathering dust, and not being used anymore? Or, you have one good manual chair you wouldn’t dream about taking down to the beach, and getting salt or sand on it? Check out how Wheeleez® Conversion Kit can help!

woman in beach wheelchair enjoying the beach with her family

Jodie from Australia: “Receiving the Wheeleez® Conversion Kit has made such a difference for our family, including my girls (9 and 7) to go to the beach together. Apart from being able to go to the beach for the first time in years, the highlight for me was once again feeling the exhilaration of cold beach water in my crutch!! (too much information, ha ha). It also now provides the whole family with the opportunity to spend many important hours together!”

woman sitting in a beach wheelchair on a wide open beach

Emma from the UK: “Personally, I’ve always loved the beach. However, ever since I was young and became a full-time wheelchair user, it’s been off-limits to me. Whenever we went to the beach I would only be able to go so far until the sand stopped me from going any further. Failing that, we would sit in the car and try to enjoy the view from there. It just wasn’t the same. I wanted to get involved in the fun, dip my toes in the sea, feel the sea breeze and enjoy time with my family. I also wanted that tousled beach hair look too. Ya’know? Haha. I didn’t want to miss out anymore, especially the special moments with my nephew.

Having the WheelEEZ® beach wheelchair conversion kit is going to allow me to enjoy all those things so I don’t have to miss out anymore. Not only sandy beaches, but the conversion kit can also allow easy access over gravel pathways, woodland, tracks and trails.”

Wheeleez® Conversion Kit fits easily to most manual chairs and without any drilling!!

Another happy customer is Julie Jones from Australia who’s son is using a Sandcruiser All Terrain/beach wheelchair: “The Sandcruiser® has provided our family with the wonderful gift of freedom. Freedom to travel wherever we like in Australia and choose whichever beach we fancy on the day. We are no longer limited by lifeguard hours and can take a walk at sunset if we please. The Sandcruiser® fits in the back of our station wagon and if we have luggage, we put it in a roof pod. Having our own chair means we know it’s always available and in a good state of repair. Something we can’t guarantee when borrowing one provided at the beach. Our son loves the comfort and we enjoy the ease of pushing it across soft sand. We’ve used the Sandcruiser® at the beach, lake, on rough tracks and it’s made our life so much better. It hangs on the wall in our garage and is ready to go whenever we are. For an outdoor loving family, it’s been one of the best equipment additions we’ve made.”

woman standing next to young man in all terrain wheelchairon rocks with ocean in background

Now everyone is included! Enjoy your favourite beach, trails, fishing and picnics in the park, or just experience the water splashing over your body with the whole family. Wheeleez® polyurethane balloon wheels are designed to navigate challenging terrains such as soft sand, mud, gravel, rocks etc. while also performing great over hard surfaces such as concrete and asphalt.

Click here for more information about Wheeleez® mobility.