Reflections from Our CEO

#StrongWheeled Together: A Tribute to the Power of Community Building

Vincenzo Piscopo
Vincenzo Piscopo
President & CEO
United Spinal Association

Think about the first time you experienced real community. Those moments where you could put yourself in a stranger’s shoes—and felt equally understood by others, united by a higher purpose. The times you’ve felt immediate trust in people you have yet to meet, because you know you share a common goal. We are constantly bombarded with narratives that elevate individual grit and heroism, but individual achievements are always the work of an ensemble cast. We at United Spinal want to create those moments every day for people with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D).

My disability journey was shaped by the SCI/D community from the get-go. During my initial rehabilitation, it was pivotal for me that one of my physiatrists was a wheelchair user. My stay at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta was punctuated by pouring over issues of New Mobility magazine, and studying the life stories of survivors of spinal cord injury. I was amazed by all the different paths that suddenly appeared possible. Life after injury began to look limitless, but without these encounters, I may have fixated on my injury as a limitation, and seen myself as a patient rather than a person with agency who was part of something much bigger than himself. As I settled into my new normal, I actively sought support—and to give my own support—to fellow people with SCI/D.

Being part of a community isn’t a passive process. It’s about building connections and lifting each other up. United Spinal Association’s 2022 campaign, #StrongWheeled Together, is a tribute to the power of community building and to all of those who have experienced the SCI/D journey. It is a beacon signaling to everyone out there with SCI/D that you do not have to do it alone, and you may untap something unexpected—or even extraordinary—in yourself when you are galvanized by community.

We’ve focused the campaign on three areas: one that traditionally brings our community together, fitness and athletics, and two where we are unjustly underserved, mental health and wellness and disaster preparedness. We’re helping people tell their stories (such as following and celebrating our member Adam Lane as he handcycles across the entire nation), discover resources and creating special services of our own in all of these fields. It all ties back to United Spinal’s historic mission: to enhance the quality of the lives of people with SCI/D.

We’re also putting a different twist on things, exploring our membership and community’s gifts outside our traditional wheelhouse. A Member Awards Event on November 10th will spotlight people with SCI/D and wheelchair users working in business, youth community organizing, the visual and performing arts, and athletics—and nominations will be open to the public. Start thinking today about the people you know who are passionate about these disciplines and making a difference. By building a platform for our collective achievements, we are changing the narrative about people with SCI/D as a whole.

For me, there’s nothing like the momentum I feel when I see fellow wheelchair users throwing down in my tennis league, or hundreds of wheelchair users reaching the end of the Peachtree Marathon in Atlanta. That energy, that feeling, is what we want to capture through #StrongWheeled Together. We also want every member of our community to feel empowered to be a part of that kind of collective momentum—nobody should be left behind. Mental health is essential to that, and we need to make sure people know what’s out there—and feel no stigma or shame in accessing what they need.

The world needs to know about us and about stories about our greatness, but we need to transform the definition of greatness to capture unsung acts of generosity and creativity, not just the stuff of “inspiration porn.” The world needs to see our reality. We hope that #StrongWheeled Together will be a valuable platform that serves these aspirations. Start by following our social media and checking out the campaign homepage, and reach out if you know about someone making an impact. We have so much in store for our community and the wider disability community this year. I can’t wait.

Be sure to follow the campaign on our social media channels: facebook @unitedspinalassociation, twitter @UnitedSpinal and Instagram @UnitedSpinal or visit our campaign page at