Newly Injured

Funding Support to Live at Home

United Spinal Association understands that finding and funding the support you need to live at home after a new disability can be daunting. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to return to work or apply for Social Security benefits. Your house may require wheelchair-accessible modifications, and you may need assistance purchasing and learning to drive with hand controls.

Applying for Social Security

There are two Social Security disability benefits programs, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income. Filling out the Benefits Finder questionnaire at will help you determine your Social Security eligibility and direct you to the agencies where you can apply for assistance.

If you can no longer work due to disability, you may be eligible for SSDI and Medicare. Medicare can help fund a custom wheelchair. If you do not have a work history, you may be eligible for SSI and Medicaid. Depending on your state, you may qualify for a Medicaid waiver for personal assistance even if your income is above the poverty level. Waiver recipients also may gain access to home modifications and transportation. You may want to talk to your local Center for Independent Living to learn more about eligibility in your state.

Programs That May Support You Living At Home

Following are more programs or organizations that may assist your ability to live independently. We recommend that you apply for a program even if you are unsure of your eligibility:

  • The Administration for Community Living can help you identify disability-related programs such as home and community-based care, also called personal assistance. Also, it can connect you to local resources and organizations. Although this site’s resources focus on seniors, younger adults with disabilities are also eligible for many services listed.
  • The Home Modification Information Network can help you identify resources to make your home wheelchair accessible. If you use Medicaid-funded Home and Community Based Services such as home health care, ask your service coordinator about home repairs and modifications eligibility.
  • Contact Veterans Affairs to apply for benefits if your disability is service-related. You may be eligible for help purchasing a vehicle or obtaining wheelchair-accessible housing. Contact United Spinal Association’s VetsFirst for assistance with benefits counseling and resources that might be helpful to you.
  • Explore United Spinal Association’s robust Pathways to Employment program that includes a job-finding portal and resource groups. Connect with your state’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to keep or secure employment. Voc Rehab can cover educational costs, job training and placement, adaptive technology, adaptive driver training and equipment. It is a flexible, individualized program.
  • Centers for Independent Living are community-based organizations run by and for people with disabilities. They can connect you to local financial aid programs that may assist with home modifications, food security, personal care assistance services, and employment. CILs can also connect you with agencies that provide direct support services.
  • Alternative AT Financing Programs may offer low-interest loans for people with disabilities that can be used for home and vehicle modifications, among other needs.
  • There are several available grants for qualifying people with disabilities. Most of the organizations have limits on the amount of funding they can provide. You should contact the organization directly to get full information on its available grants, qualifying criteria, and application process.
  • Crowdfunding platforms like Help Hope Love could raise funds for expenses insurance won’t cover. Below is a webinar on Help Hope Love presented by United Spinal’s Community Supports Team.

United Spinal Association is committed to assisting people with SCI to find quality rehabilitation services. Please contact United Spinal Association’s Community Supports team for more information or assistance. Join our community by signing up for a free membership. To support our mission, donate here.